Photography for Marketing!

Tradeshow Photography
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

The focus was on the trade show. I am only showing less than 1 day of the 5 that I worked. The week included opening sessions which I am showing a few images from, a lot of classroom sessions and of course the tradeshow. 


I added a few of the photos taken over the 5 day event. These were the morning of Day 1. The days not shown focused on workshops held in various classrooms and specific aspects of the tradeshow. 

Photo by Jeffrey Truitt Photography San Antonio
Photo by Jeffrey Truitt Photography San Antonio
Event Photography by Jeffrey Truitt - on stage award presentation
Gala and Event Photography Speakers
San Antonio VIP Room photos
San Antonio Event Photography Groups
Photography at Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio
Tradeshow photography at HB Gonzalez  Convention Center
Professional Tradeshow photography San Antonio
Photograqphy from Henry B Gonzalez convention center, San Antonio, TX
Tradeshow photography in San Antonio, TX 2023